Welcome parents and community members!
The safety of our students is a top priority for us here at Lincoln School, and in order to ensure that all students and family members are safe in all areas of our school, we have the following safety procedures in place with regards to our Parent Pick-Up and Drop-Off areas. We appreciate everyone working together to follow these procedures to ensure that safety continues to be at the forefront of our busy lives, and we need every participant's help in doing so.
The staff parking lot is off limits to parent parking aside from the 3 handicap accessible spots that are available to all visitors and staff members. We have staff that are just arriving and leaving at school start and end times, and the parking lot can present some dangerous situations for parents and students flowing in and out at those times. Thank you for your cooperation with this area.
The Parent and Guest Pick-Up/Drop-Off area is off of Pardee Street on the north side of the playground. There are two lanes for very different purposes. The lane closest to the sidewalk is for parking purposes only – this is the recommended place for all student drop-off and pick-ups as it ensures students can enter vehicles from a safe place on the sidewalk. The middle, or driving lane, is for movement in and out of the parking lot only. Students should not be dropped off or picked up from this moving line of traffic, as it presents great danger for all individuals both walking and driving in this small area. If a spot is not available along the sidewalk, we ask you circle around and enter the traffic flow again to ensure vehicles keep moving and no one is stopped in that lane.
The parking spots along Pardee Street and on Pardee Street are available for parents and guests. We ask that you exit your vehicle and walk to the playground or fence area to pick up your child and then escort them back through the traffic lane, under your supervision, if you are parked in these areas. It is not safe to ask students to dodge in-between and through the traffic flow on their own, so we ask for your assistance with this to ensure we do not have any tragic accidents.
The Bus Pick-Up and Drop-Off area is along 6th Avenue, on the East side of the building. We ask that if you park on 6th Avenue to either drop off or pick up your child, that you utilize the crossing guard which is located at the north end of S. 6th Ave. and Porter Street. You can also cross in the crosswalk at the corner of S. 6th and West Street. We ask you use these avenues versus cutting in-between the buses parked out front of the main entrance to the school.
With everyone’s help, we can ensure the safety of each student, family member, and community member who visits our great school! Thank you for your commitment to these policies and procedures!