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Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a systemic approach to proactive, school-wide behavior based on a Response to Intervention (RtI) model. PBIS applies evidence-based programs, practices, and strategies for all students to increase academic performance, improve safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish a positive school culture.  Schools implementing PBIS build on existing strengths, complementing and organizing current programming and strategies.  The PBIS model has been successfully implemented in thousands of schools in over 40 states, resulting in dramatic reductions in disciplinary interventions and increases in academic achievement.

Lincoln PBIS Behavior Matrix
Check-In Check-Out (CICO)

Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) is a component of the PBIS Tier 2/Secondary Interventions. When students are academically or behaviorally unsuccessful, they can be recommended to participate in the CICO program. Students are then be assigned to a teacher greeter. They check-in and check-out with their greeter twice a day. A CICO daily progress sheet would be assigned to students for the purpose of tracking their progress throughout the day.  Parents are notified of the referral and will receive a regular data update. The CICO system is meant to be positive and not punitive at home or school. 

 CICO is meant to:

  • Improve student accountability
  • Increase structure
  • Improve student behavior and academics
  • Provide feedback and adult support on a daily basis
  • Improve and establish daily home/school communication and collaboration
  • Improve student organization, motivation, incentive, and reward
  • Help students to self monitor and correct
  • Internalize success and accomplishment of goals
  • Encourage students to maintain the Lincoln Loggers' beliefs of being compassionate, responsible, and respectful.